Being a Yacht Club Member, Safe Harbor Games has given you the ability to have up to 500 friends as opposed to 100 friends on a non Yacht Club Member Friends list, on your Safe Harbor Friends, you can also, as you may already know, block and ignore players, also as with non members, you can block hosts broadcasts.
To do this, open your friends list, then go to options, then " Block All Broadcasts ", please note, Site Wide broadcasts from SaltyPelican, HeyPopeye, Admiral and SiteBroadcast can not be blocked, SHG admin send broadcasts to advise you of Site Wide Events and to let you know of any work that is being carried out on site.
To set notifications when your friends come online, open your Safe Harbor Friends, then go to options at the top, check " Announce Friend Online "
Sound for new chats - if checked you will hear a noise once received a new message, if unchecked you will not hear anything.
Bold Player List Font - if checked the names on your friends list and in the lobby population will be in bold.
To add a friend to your friends list, simply right click their name in the name listing and " add friend ".
To add a friend who is not in the lobby, open up your friends, in the group " add friend ", right click this, then click add friend, another box will appear, should you have different groups, with the drop down, choose the group, then in the white box, enter your friends name, ensuring there are no typing errors.
To place someone on ignore, who is not in the lobby, again open up friends, go to the group " Ignore in Lobby ", which is found at the bottom of your friends list, right click this and then click add new ignore, and again type the players nic in the box provided, ensuring there are no typing errors.
To place someone on block, who is not in the lobby, again open up friends, go to the group " Blocked Players ", which is found at the bottom of your friends list, right click this and then click add new block, and again type the players nic in the box provided, ensuring there are no typing errors.
Ability to show the friends who are online. To do this, open friends, then go to options and either check or uncheck " show online only " if you check show online only, this means the friends on your list who are online will show when you open your shf, if this is unchecked, all of your friends whether they are online or not will be listed.
You can have your friends in different groups too. Such as best friends, to do this, open your Safe Harbor Friends, go to Friends at the top, then another box will appear, where it says " group " and a white box, type here the name you would like to call this group, ie " best friends " then where it says Friend type the name of that friend ie YachtClubClass, ensuring there are no typing errors, you have just created a group on your friends, if you would like to add others that are already on your list, simply drag their name with your mouse using the right button and drag them to the group you want.
Yacht Club Members now have the option where only friends that are on their list can message them, with the exception of Safe Harbor Crew, who can message you, this means any players not on your safe harbor friends will be unable to message you, unless you add them to friends.
If you are not in a Yacht Club Member Nic, you will not be able to do this, this is one of the benefits having a Yacht Club Membership placed on your nic.
To do this, again open your Safe Harbor Friends, go to options, then check " online to friends only ", you will show as online to ONLY your friends.
To remove a friend from your list, open up your Safe Harbor Friends, then right click their name then " remove friend ", they will no longer be on your friends list.
Should your friends list not open for some reason. If you have a red sail boat in your task bar, right click it then exit, then in the lobby, go to Lobby, then restart friends, if you don't have a red sail boat do the same procedure.
You can also change your status, to either, offline <- means no one can message you, not even friends, Busy <- means you may or may not be at your pc, DND <- means Do not Disturb, again no one can message you.
To change your status, open up your friends list, go to status at top, then change to whichever status you would like to be, please note, if you changed your status to DND, then signed out of Safe Harbor Games, exited your friends, the next time you enter, you will have the same status as you did when you changed it, until you change it again.
You can now delete all your friends, a particular group, blocked or ignored players in one click. To do this, open your friends list, go to friends at the top, then click " delete group ". as you will see, friends, blocked, ignore, then a box by each side, click the box then ok, you will then you will be prompted, asking if you are sure you want delete this group, then yes or no. Please note, once you hit yes there is no going back, all of the players will be deleted. Or, you can delete a particular group you may have with the dropdown then selecting the group, and the same procedure.
This is a powerful tool, once you delete a group, you will not be able to retrieve it again.
You now have the ability to send a message via friends list without adding the person to your friends list. Click on 'Friends' then 'Talk to a Friend' and then type the nick of the person you want to talk to. This is available to members and non members.